If you’ve ever experienced dizziness in Brampton, you may have wondered whether your symptoms should be labeled as general dizziness or vertigo. Yes, there is a difference—vertigo symptoms differ from dizziness. Either condition could indicate balance disorders.
Use the following FAQ to learn the difference between dizziness and vertigo in Brampton, and what you should do if you experience these symptoms.
What is dizziness?
Dizziness in Brampton occurs when your balance is off. This alters your sense of orientation in your surroundings. It distorts your perception and makes you physically unstable in regards to balance.
What is vertigo?
Vertigo in Brampton involves a sensation of spinning. It may be brief, but it comes on suddenly and is a strong sensation. If you experience vertigo, you will feel like you are moving or your surroundings are moving around you.
What causes dizziness and vertigo?
Dizziness and vertigo symptoms in Brampton can be caused by a variety of situations or conditions. Common causes include medication, ear-related issues, head injuries, hormonal changes, blood pressure problems and neurological disorders. Any of these physical issues can throw off the balance of your body and lead to dizziness or vertigo.
Some professionals also believe that vertigo and dizziness can be caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain. They also propose that tension in the muscles and facial restrictions can add to this condition, reducing the flow of oxygen to the brain and resulting in dizziness in Brampton.
What should I do if I experience dizziness or vertigo?
If you’re experiencing any type of balance issues, you should visit your doctor. Your physician will help you identify any patterns to the symptoms and potential causes, so you can make appropriate adjustments and avoid future dizzy spells.
Ignoring the issue could put your health at risk, since dizziness and vertigo can lead to falls or car accidents, or could be a sign of another health issue for which you need treatment. Checking in with your doctor is always the best course of action. Often, a very simple solution is all it will take to relieve your vertigo symptoms in Brampton.
Who should I contact to learn more?
In addition to your general physician, a Brampton physiotherapist can help you with balance disorders. This specialist is familiar with how the body works and what you can do to correct balance issues. These professionals can recommend exercises that will help restore balance and reduce vertigo symptoms in Brampton.
Learn More
If you’re suffering from dizziness in Brampton, contact Paramount Physiotherapy & Sports Injuries Clinic today. Our treatment approach incorporates education, exercise, manual therapy, modalities and acupuncture, in order to effectively reintegrate individuals into sports and regular activities of daily life. We are dedicated to helping you feel your best. Reach us at 905-455-4488 with any questions or to schedule your consultation. There’s no need to continue battling vertigo symptoms in Brampton. Get relief at Paramount Physiotherapy & Sports injuries Clinic. Call us today to schedule an appointment or learn more!