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Treating Rotator Cuff Tendinitis With Repetitive Work

For athletes in any sport, rotator cuff tendonitis can be a nagging injury that greatly affects the way they play their sport. Not only is this a very painful condition to live with, it’s also one that can become more severe over time if left untreated or undertreated. Often realized by having an X-ray taken or examined by a specialist, rotator cuff tendonitis often has inflammatory symptoms along with the pain, which can leave the sufferer in a great deal of agony when it comes time to move or apply pressure to the area. And while it may sound like a greatly debilitating issue, rotator cuff tendonitis treatment in Brampton, ON actually makes it quite possible to overcome.

The key to effectively treating rotator cuff tendonitis and allowing it to repair properly is movement. It may not seem like it, since someone who’s suffering from this affliction can experience a large deal of pain when moving their arm, but movement is actually the key to ensuring that the inflicted area doesn’t heal improperly. More specifically, going through repetitive motions in order to acclimate a rotator cuff to regular movements again is one of the more beneficial methods of stimulating the healing process.

Often times, rotator cuff tendonitis treatment in Brampton, ON begins by creating an exercise and stretching regimen. This schedule is often packed with different exercises that simulate movement and flexibility, which keeps the range of motion open and feasible while the rotator cuff begins the recovery process. Not allowing the arm to reach these levels of movement can restrain the tendons or cause them to become rigid after healing, when it comes time to move them as you normally would, there is often resistance or pain because the tendon must be re-stretched.

Repetitive work on a rotator cuff that is experiencing tendonitis includes some of these common activities:

Pendulum Stretch: Used to avoid the “frozen shoulder” condition that is known for afflicting people after their rotator cuff has fully healed, yet is limited in range of motion, the pendulum stretch is performed by simply moving your arm back and forth and side to side as it hangs limply in front of you. This stretch can be done anywhere and takes very little time to perform, yet the effects can be astoundingly beneficial when you consider the alternative.

Posterior Capsule Stretching: In order to alleviate the tightness caused by muscles that are unable to be worked while the rotator cuff is injured, this aspect of rotator cuff tendonitis treatment in Brampton, ON involves reaching across the body repeatedly. By reaching and holding, a person is able to loosen the muscles that gradually become stiff over time and ensure that further injury doesn’t occur.

Abduction Exercises: By bending the elbow and applying resistance to the movement, a person engaging in abduction exercises is able to reinforce the muscles that support the rotator cuff. These exercises are commonly performed with an elastic band or rubber resistance bands to ensure optimum stretching.

While traditional treatments, such as Cortisone shots and even surgery can be required to treat rotator cuff tendonitis fully, it’s important to support these things with rotator cuff tendonitis treatment in Brampton, ON. By moving and properly stretching the arm, you can ensure the proper healing of your injury and get back in the game sooner!


Yes please contact me I want to get healthy and move around Pain FREE