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The Role of the Gluteus Medius and Minimus in Hip Stability

A person’s hip joints and surrounding physiology represent one of the most crucial components to movement. As bipedal individuals, we rely on this area to keep us upright and moving in a way that supports the rest of our bodies. When there is an injury or discomfort in this region, you may feel as though you’re unable to keep balance, walk properly or even maintain your composure without great effort. Generally, people see these things as a sign of old age or possibly just a strain from something that they didn’t realize a few days before. However, the problem could be more significant if it’s centered on the Gluteus Medius and Minimus: two crucial muscles in the bipedal structure.

When seeking physiotherapy in Brampton, ON for chronic weakness while walking or standing, one of the first areas that your therapist will focus on is the Gluteus Medius and Minimus. The reason for this is that these two muscles help to keep our hips level while standing and walking, as well as reinforce the movement in our knees. As an example, look at yourself in the mirror: the reason you’re able to stand up straight, with your hips level, is because the Gluteus Medius and Minimus on both sides of your body are holding your posture in this position. If you naturally lean one direction or another, this could be a sign that the leaning side has a weakness in these two muscles.

You may be wondering how two simple muscles can be such relevant players in keeping your posture erect. The simple fact is that they’re key pieces in keeping your movement stable, so that when you walk or run, your hips are able to act as a support system for your upper and lower body. Someone who is chronically weak when in motion is likely experiencing less than adequate support from these muscles, which places a lot of strain on other systems within the body and can tire you out very quickly. Seeking physiotherapy in Brampton, ON can be a great way of helping to correct and reinforce the motion of these muscles.

Still not sure how the Gluteus Medius and Minimus are helping you? Try doing a simple lunge motion, with one leg extended and one leg planted firmly. The reason that you’re able to stay balanced is because these muscles are being put into use to keep your balance. The same idea applies if you stand on one leg: your hips remain parallel, allowing you to keep your balance with ease. For those people who have an issue with the strength of the Gluteus Medius and Minimus, these simple tasks can require a huge level of effort.

If you’re someone who experiences chronic fatigue when it comes to walking, balancing or even keeping good posture, consider looking into physiotherapy in Brampton, ON. The result of having your Gluteus Medius and Minimus examined and toned could lead to an easier movement experience for you!


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