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Repetitive Rotator Cuff Strains: Why do they Happen and Who do they Happen to?

When it comes to tendon pain and tendon damage, we tend not to think that younger people are at risk for things like repeated rotator cuff strains. The truth is, however, that many young athletes and other Generation X-ers are experiencing tendon problems more often than their older counterparts. Why? It all comes down to lifestyle, conditioning and activities that are more likely to leave kids wearing a shoulder brace in Brampton.

What is a rotator cuff strain?

A rotator cuff strain is quite simply unnecessary strain put on the cluster of tendons that attaches your arm to your shoulder. When these tendons are overworked, experience trauma or become damaged from unnatural movement, it’s called a rotator cuff strain, which over time, could become something as severe as a tear if not properly addressed with a shoulder brace in Brampton and proper therapy.

Strains to the rotator cuff occur most frequently from overuse. Most of the time, this comes from playing a sport, like baseball, which involves excessive use of the arms, shoulders and chest. When the arm is rotated excessively in the shoulder socket, the rotator cuff passes over a section of the humerus bone, causing the tendons to fray ever so slightly. Repeat this motion constantly and with force and you’ve got the recipe for a strain.

Who’s at risk?

As mentioned above, rotator cuff strains aren’t so much restricted by age, as they are activity level. A young teenage baseball player is far more at risk to develop a rotator cuff strain, than someone in their late 40’s who exerts only a moderate amount of strain on their tendons.

Today, more younger people are affected by this affliction because of the lifestyle habits that are common with this particular age group. For example, sitting propped up at a desk, typing away at a computer for extended periods of time can actually irritate the rotator cuff—add the stress of an activity like working out at the gym, and you’ve got a strain in the making.

Here’s a quick list of some common reasons younger people experience rotator cuff issues more frequently:

  • Keeping the arm in the same position for long periods of time.
  • Sleeping on the same arm each night.
  • Playing a sport that requires frequent and strained arm gestures.
  • Working with arms stretched or strain for long periods at a time.
  • Poor control of the shoulder and shoulder blade muscles.

Watching for signs

Strains come in all types of severities and, depending on the person afflicted, the pain levels or signs can be different. It’s important to watch for pain in your shoulder or when you move your arm—pain that persists for days at a time can indicate a strain, while pain that continues for longer or at a higher severity can indicate a tear.

If your symptoms match any of the lifestyle indicators pointed out above, it’s important to consult a physician or physiotherapist immediately, to diagnose the issue. Treatments range from wearing a simple shoulder brace in Brampton, to surgery to repair the torn tendons.


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