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Learning More About Sports Concussions

Today, we know more than ever about the different types of injuries that our bodies can sustain throughout years of playing sports. Even the most conditioned athletes understand that each and every time you step on the field, you’re at risk of injuring yourself—whether it’s accidently twisting your ankle while running or colliding with someone at full speed, resulting in a concussion.

Concussions in particular are a very serious sports injury that we’ve begun to pay more and more attention to in recent years. No longer is it something that just dazes and confuses players, causing them to sit out for a few minutes before reentering a game—today, it’s a serious medical injury that requires everything from a neurological examination to Brampton head injury rehabilitation before you’re allowed on the field again.

How do concussions occur? What kind of testing is required to assess one? And, most importantly, how do you protect yourself and your family against the lasting damages that concussions can have, both physically and financially? Read on to learn more:

Head injuries occur in any sport

As the header above reads: head injuries can occur in any sport! It’s worth repeating. Why? Because too many people are under the impression that concussions only occur in sports that produce high physical contact, such as football or rugby. The truth, however, is that in any sport there are inherent risks that can lead to a concussion.

In soccer, for example, a sliding collision between two players might result in a mild concussion; in baseball, a misjudged fly ball might end up giving you a lump on the head and a concussion; or, you might break away on the hockey rink, only to slip and fall, hitting your head against the ice.

Concussions occur when your brain bumps into your skull through excessive trauma to your body. For example, if you get hit by a linebacker hard enough and are driven to the ground, your head might rattle around inside your helmet, causing your brain to forcibly bump against your skull. The result is disorientation, discomfort, confusion, pain and, ultimately, a concussion.

Protecting your body and your finances

Concussions are a serious matter for many reasons: namely because they can cause lasting damage to your mind and body, leading to degenerative diseases over time, such as Parkinson’s Disease. But, even more than this, concussions have become the center of legal actions in recent years.

Those people who suffer concussions at the hands of someone else have begun to seek reparations, usually through lawsuits. They sue for medical costs, including the cost of Brampton head injury rehabilitation, as well as pain and suffering, which can come out to be quite a sum of money when the damages are settled.

How do kids, parents and athletic programs protect themselves from both concussions and the legal action that can come with suffering one? The answer is baseline testing: the tests administered to gauge how severe a concussion is and what the appropriate recourse is to dealing with it. By handling a concussion appropriately and keeping an athlete out of harm’s way, parents, kids and sports organizations are able to ensure the safety of their players, while also avoiding any negligence that might be held up in a court of law.

Playing smart and safe

While concussions are a concern in any sport, it should be noted that they can be prevented with the right style of play and the right knowledge on how to avoid them. Protecting players starts with giving them the right education. When the players, parents and coaches understand what concussions are, what their symptoms are and how they should be handled, it proves to create a safe environment for any athlete.


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