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How Posture Affects Your Chronic Back Pain in Brampton

Do you suffer from chronic back pain? Learn about how improving your posture may be a helpful first step in reducing this pain.

If you have additional questions or would like to pursue physiotherapy in Brampton, call the expert team at Paramount Physiotherapy & Sports Injuries Clinic.

What is posture?

Posture refers to how you hold your body as you sit, stand or perform everyday tasks, such as lifting, reaching, bending or pulling. Maintaining good posture will help ensure that the bones of the spine (the vertebrae) align properly.

How does posture affect back pain?

Because performing movements such as bending or lifting is typically part of our everyday activities, back pain caused by poor posture can severely limit your range of motion and the scope of your activities, or at minimum cause discomfort that can get worse over time if you do not focus on improving your posture. Poor posture can cause:

  • Back pain that feels worse during particular times of the day or week.
  • Pain beginning in your neck that moves down into the upper back, lower back and extremities.
  • Sporadic back pain that lasts for months.
  • Sudden back pain that you feel after you add a new element into your routine, such as a new car or office chair.
  • Pain that you no longer feel once you switch positions while standing or sitting.

How can I develop good posture?

The good news is that by being mindful of your posture and how you carry your body, you can make a real difference in the level of back pain you experience now and going forward. Try the following techniques:

Perform imagery exercises: These are exercises often used during physiotherapy in Brampton. Imagine a straight line connecting your body from the ceiling to the floor and that a cord attached to your chest is moving your chest and rib cage upward, causing you to appear taller. Work on holding your pelvis level without moving the lower back. Stretch your head toward the ceiling while visualizing the posture of an ice skater or ballerina.

Practice a stretch for your upper body: While standing, face a corner and raise your arms, placing your hands flat against the wall and your elbows at shoulder height. Make sure that one foot is placed in front of the other. Then, bend the knee you are holding forward, and exhale as you lean your body in the direction of the corner.

As you maintain a straight back and hold your chest and head up, you will feel a stretch across your chest. Spend about 20-30 seconds in this position, then relax.

Squeeze your shoulder blades: As you sit upright in a chair, rest your hands on your thighs. Your chin should be level, and your shoulders should be down. Draw your shoulders back slowly, squeezing the blades together. Count to five and then relax; repeat several more times.

Give these techniques a try to see if they help reduce your chronic back pain. If you are still experiencing pain or are interested in learning about other techniques for pain relief, our trained and experienced staff at Paramount Physiotherapy & Sports Injuries Clinic are here to help.


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