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Common Basketball Injuries and Tips for Prevention

Playing basketball is a great way to have fun and stay in shape. But whether you’re a serious athlete or simply someone who enjoys a good pickup game with friends every now and then, it’s important that you understand the risks associated with the sport and the steps you can take to prevent some of the most common basketball injuries.

Here’s a quick overview of some examples of these common basketball injuries in Brampton and what you can do as an athlete to prevent them:

  • Ankle and foot injuries: Injuries to the foot and ankle are by far the most common injuries sustained by basketball players. You might roll an ankle when coming down from a jump, take an awkward step while scrambling for the ball or have someone else accidentally trip over you and cause your foot or ankle to go in a weird position. The best way to prevent these injuries is to give yourself the proper support. This means having footwear designed for use on the basketball court, which will provide a higher profile for more ankle support and some extra grip to prevent you from slipping on indoor playing surfaces. You might also consider using athletic tape on your ankle to take some extra precautions, especially if you’re already prone to ankle injuries.
  • Knee injuries: Knee injuries are not quite as common in basketball as they are in sports with a lot of contact, but they do happen, often without any contact at all. A great way to help your knees hold up is to strengthen the muscles in your legs, which will essentially insulate your knee from damage. It’s also always a good idea to stretch out before activity. If you know you are susceptible to knee problems, wearing a knee brace is a good idea.
  • Hip and thigh injuries: You’ll be doing a lot of pivoting, jumping and running while on the court, which will place some strain on your legs and hips. It’s common for people to suffer hip strains and bruises after time on the basketball court. Some of these injuries simply cannot be prevented, because they’re a result of accidental contact, but in general, the best way to prevent these injuries is to stretch out and make sure your muscles are flexible.
  • Head and face injuries: A lot of head and face injuries come through accidental contact, such as bumping heads with another player or taking an accidental hand or forearm to the face. Just make sure you watch for concussion symptoms—there’s not a whole lot you can do to avoid contact to the head other than keep up your awareness on the court.
  • Hand and wrist injuries: The best way to prevent injuries to the hand and wrist is awareness. Make sure you keep your eyes on the ball when it’s coming your way, and always pay attention to other players’ locations relative to your own.

For more information about injury prevention in Brampton, we encourage you to contact the team at Paramount Physiotherapy & Sports Injuries Clinic today.


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