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Avoid Back Pain with Proper Lifting Techniques

It doesn’t matter your age, gender, or how physically fit you are, incorrect lifting techniques can cause serious back pain. Brampton residents can avoid lower back pain if they know proper lifting techniques, so if you want to avoid the doctor, remember the following advice.

Back injuries can happen to anyone in any number of situations. Working out at the gym, home or car repair, during a home move, or even just lifting a box in the basement, it can strike at any time. Incorrect lifting can lead to strains, muscle tears, or spinal disc injury. This can result in slight back pain that persists for weeks, to very serious injuries requiring immediate medical attention. Unfortunately these injuries often could have been avoided by proper lifting techniques.

To avoid lower back injury, first understand what not to do. Many injuries occur when lifting an awkward or over-sized object, think twice before moving that desk by yourself or picking up a plus-sized box. Lifting above shoulder level, especially if a heavy or large object, can put the body in an imbalanced position and lead to back injury. Also, underestimating the weight of something can strain back muscles and cause injury.

Even if your body is capable of lifting the weight, the object is of a manageable size, and you don’t plan on lifting it over your shoulders, incorrect body movements can cause injury. Do not curve the back in a forward direction, bend at the hips, or hold the object away from the body. The body is not designed to function like a lever. By putting all the weight on your lower back, muscle tears can occur or, even worse, a situation that may require surgery and en extensive rehabilitation regimen with a Brampton Physiotherapist.

Instead of thinking of a lever motion, consider the objective to lift in a straight up motion, relying primarily on the legs. The back should remain in a straight-up position with good posture. Your legs are both your base of support and lifting mechanism. Start by increasing leg stance to broaden your base, squat keeping your back vertical, and keep the object close to your body.

Lift very slowly at first, this can help you determine the weight of the object, and allows your body to tell you whether your positioning is adequate or not. If the object seems too heavy, avoid injury by asking someone for help. The object may not seem too heavy, but your lower back might feel a strange sensation. This is your body telling you that your posture is incorrect. Immediately put the object down and consider an alternative, the worst thing you can do is to continue lifting after your body tells you something is wrong.

If you maintain a wide base of support, keep a straight back, and lift using your legs, you should avoid having to see a Brampton Physiotherapist because you have practiced a proper lifting technique. Of course practicing these techniques using lighter weights increases back strength and will make proper form a habit instead of a chore, a good idea for anyone who prefers to live life without a tense or injured back.


Yes please contact me I want to get healthy and move around Pain FREE